Massage Therapy for Pain Relief and Injury Recovery
Massage Therapy in Sycamore, IL: Massage therapy is a great addition to chiropractic and rehabilitative care. Many people seek therapeutic massage as a natural means to promote healthy body function and to increase recovery time when injured. Coupled with chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy can help to relieve musculoskeletal stress and pain for our patients.
Each massage therapy plan is tailored to meet the patient’s unique condition or injury. While many our our patients visit our licensed massage therapists for relaxation purposes, massage therapy can also be coordinated with chiropractic care and nutritional advice for the best results.
Benefits of Massage Therapy at Sycamore Integrated Health
Sore muscle relief
Relief of tension and headaches
Reduced stress and improved well-being
Increased circulation and reduced swelling
Relaxation of muscles and reduction of trigger point referral pain
Increased range of motion and injury recovery
Boosts your immune system
Massage Therapy Complements Our Chiropractic Care & Rehabilitation Programs
While many people may see massage as a luxury, it can also assist in your medical treatment and be part of a health regimen. We utilize massage therapy independently or in conjunction with chiropractic care in order to help you achieve optimal results. You will feel better and more relaxed because of our unique integrative approach. Additionally, massage therapy combined with chiropractic care will help to increase the speed of recovery from injury. Our chiropractors in Sycamore will work very closely with the massage therapists to cultivate a treatment program that will produces the best results.
Not only does massage therapy help to relax the body but it can help to eliminate toxins that have been accumulated in the muscles, increase blood circulation, increase flexibility, improve balance, and help with high blood pressure as well as other conditions.
Book an Appointment with Sycamore Integrated Health
Sycamore Integrated Health is proud to be the one and only multi-disciplinary healthcare facility in Dekalb County. Our unique clinic offers a comprehensive approach to healthcare by co-managing patients between a team of Chiropractors and a Medical Doctor for the best possible treatment.
Call (815) 895-3354 to schedule your free consultation with one of our many medical professionals.
Office Location
920 W. Prairie Drive, Suite J
Sycamore, IL 60178
(815) 895-3354
Office Hours
Mon: 7:30am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
Tues: 7:30am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
Wed: 7:30am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
Th: 7:30am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
Fri: 7:30am-12pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
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Massage Therapy for Pain Relief and Injury Recovery
Massage Therapy in Sycamore, IL: Massage therapy is a great addition to chiropractic and rehabilitative care. Many people seek therapeutic massage as a natural means to promote healthy body function and to increase recovery time when injured. Coupled with chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy can help to relieve musculoskeletal stress and pain for our patients.
Each massage therapy plan is tailored to meet the patient’s unique condition or injury. While many our our patients visit our licensed massage therapists for relaxation purposes, massage therapy can also be coordinated with chiropractic care and nutritional advice for the best results.
Benefits of Massage Therapy at Sycamore Integrated Health
Sore muscle relief
Relief of tension and headaches
Reduced stress and improved well-being
Increased circulation and reduced swelling
Relaxation of muscles and reduction of trigger point referral pain
Increased range of motion and injury recovery
Boosts your immune system
Massage Therapy Complements Our Chiropractic Care & Rehabilitation Programs
While many people may see massage as a luxury, it can also assist in your medical treatment and be part of a health regimen. We utilize massage therapy independently or in conjunction with chiropractic care in order to help you achieve optimal results. You will feel better and more relaxed because of our unique integrative approach. Additionally, massage therapy combined with chiropractic care will help to increase the speed of recovery from injury. Our chiropractors in Sycamore will work very closely with the massage therapists to cultivate a treatment program that will produces the best results.
Not only does massage therapy help to relax the body but it can help to eliminate toxins that have been accumulated in the muscles, increase blood circulation, increase flexibility, improve balance, and help with high blood pressure as well as other conditions.
Book an Appointment with Sycamore Integrated Health
Sycamore Integrated Health is proud to be the one and only multi-disciplinary healthcare facility in Dekalb County. Our unique clinic offers a comprehensive approach to healthcare by co-managing patients between a team of Chiropractors and a Medical Doctor for the best possible treatment.